Home Healthcare Weekly News - June 10, 2020
As the country ages, the Home Care Industry is poised to grow. The US home healthcare market is projected to grow about 7% annually from $103 billion in 2018 to $173 billion by 2026 — outpacing growth in all other care types, including hospital care (+5.3% annually) and physician services (+5.6% annually). The industry has also come into a lot of focus during the COVID-19 crisis as well.
Overview of the Home Healthcare Industry
We have put this ready reckoner guide together to help you understand the different services that make up the industry.
Simply put, Home Care involves any professional support services that allow an elderly person to live safer and better lives in the comfort of their own home and community. Home Care services enable the elderly to get assistance on time. Different
The Future of Private Duty Home Care – Trends for 2020 and Beyond
As a leading software provider for Private Duty Nursing, we monitor the forces and trends that are shaping the Private Duty Home Care Industry. The industry is poised to boom in the post-COVID phase as there is a growing preference and shift from institutional to in-home care as the industry shifts. As a leading provider of software for private duty nursing, CareVoyant is committed to bringing software solutions that are collaborative and help home care agencies quickly adapt to industry changes.
Home Healthcare Industry News
Providers Can’t Overlook “Loneliness Epidemic” Among Seniors.
Read About the COVID Impact and trends in the Industry.
Right at Home CEO Brian Petranick: Providers Can’t Overlook ‘Loneliness Epidemic’ Among Seniors
In many ways, the COVID-19 public health emergency has been a reminder of the unique ways that seniors are susceptible to loneliness, a social factor that’s increasingly being shown to have a profound impact on one’s overall health.
Last year, 34% of adults between the ages of 50 and 80 reported feeling a lack of companionship or isolation. That number is guaranteed to rise in 2020, as older adults shelter in place and avoid person-to-person contact.
Recruiting in a Crisis: Why Home Care Agencies Are Overhauling Their Onboarding Programs
Over the years, training and “upskilling” in-home care workers has been a key strategy to improve retention for providers struggling with turnover. But as the COVID-19 public health emergency continues, providers who are actively recruiting will now have to navigate new obstacles when preparing recently hired caregivers to work in the home setting.
Doctors are fighting not only to save lives from COVID-19, but also to protect patients’ brains.
Although COVID-19 is best known for damaging the lungs, it also increases the risk of life-threatening brain injuries — from mental confusion to hallucinations, seizures, coma, stroke and paralysis. The virus may invade the brain, as well as starve the organ of oxygen by damaging the lungs. To fight the infection, the immune system sometimes overreacts, battering the brain and other organs it normally protects.
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