Private Duty Non-Medical Scheduling

Scheduling Efficiency – Key to Profitability of Home Care Agencies

Scheduling Efficiency – Key to Profitability of Home Care Agencies

With CareVoyant Software’s built-in route optimization engine, CV miles, and an effective scheduling dashboard, you no longer have to waste time manually creating daily patient visit schedules. The software can reduce the time spent in operational planning and help you focus on patient and caregiver satisfaction.

A software platform designed to handle both home health care and outpatient services will provide a unique advantage to agencies.

Overtime Pay for Home Care Workers – Implementation and Tracking

Overtime Pay for Home Care Workers – Implementation and Tracking

Even though FLSA overtime rules for home care workers have now been in vogue for a while, most private duty nursing and non-medical agencies have to strike a careful balance between the high quality and continuity of care they provide and minimizing the overtime cost.

With falling reimbursements from third-party payers, and trying to strike a balance between expectations and quality of service for private pay patients, most home care agencies are trying to adapt their business models to limit caregivers to 40 hours a week.