Arizona home care agencies must comply with EVV 2.0 by October 1, 2025. Learn how CareVoyant’s AHCCCS-compliant EVV solution ensures seamless integration, compliance, and accurate data collection. Stay ahead with a trusted EVV partner in Arizona!
In February 2025, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), Arizona’s state Medicaid agency, announced EVV 2.0, marking a major shift in Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) compliance. With the expiration of its contract with Sandata, AHCCCS is developing an in-house EVV aggregator, set to launch on October 1, 2025.
EVV 2.0 moves Arizona from a hybrid model to an open model, requiring all Personal Care and Home Health providers to:
Contract with an AHCCCS-compliant EVV vendor
Implement EVV data collection
Ensure EVV vendors are tested with AHCCCS
Additionally, EVV 2.0 introduces:
Live-In Caregiver Data collection
Compliance updates for scheduling and visit maintenance
Differential Adjusted Payment (DAP) incentives for auto-verified visits
While Arizona's EVV data aggregation is changing, CareVoyant remains ready. CareVoyant’s integrated Home Care EVV Software has passed interface testing for Sandata and meets all AHCCCS requirements outlined in the EVV Alternate Provider Review Tool. Our Arizona EVV software seamlessly integrates intake, authorizations, scheduling, and billing, reducing data errors and claim rejections. Plus, CareVoyant interfaces with all state-designated EVV aggregators, providing one platform to manage Arizona home care EVV compliance.
Why Arizona Home Care Agencies Should Prepare for EVV 2.0
AHCCCS introduced EVV 2.0 to:
Enhance long-term sustainability by bringing EVV management in-house.
Move Arizona providers to an open model, allowing greater flexibility in vendor selection.
Streamline oversight and management, benefiting home care agencies and providers.
To stay compliant, home care and personal service providers must select an EVV vendor that meets all AHCCCS EVV requirements before October 1, 2025.
What is the AHCCCS EVV Alternate Provider Review Tool?
AHCCCS has introduced the EVV Alternate Provider Review Tool to help agencies choose an approved EVV vendor. This tool provides essential questions that providers should ask potential vendors about key EVV compliance aspects, including:
Multiple Devices
Paper Timesheets
Member Verification
Contingency Plan
Visit Maintenance
CareVoyant’s EVV Software meets all the requirements outlined in this tool, ensuring seamless AHCCCS compliance.
Live-In Caregiver Data Requirements
Under EVV 2.0, all Personal Care and Home Health providers must identify direct care workers who are live-in caregivers. Key compliance deadlines include:
March 31, 2025: Agencies using Sandata must submit live-in caregiver data.
Future Timeline: Agencies using alternate EVV vendors will also be required to comply, though AHCCCS has yet to establish a deadline.
CareVoyant’s EVV System supports live-in caregiver data collection, keeping Arizona home care agencies ahead of compliance requirements.
Scheduling & Visit Maintenance Compliance Changes
AHCCCS will introduce technical updates related to:
Live-in caregiver data collection
Scheduling and visit maintenance compliance
All EVV vendors must test with AHCCCS once timelines are established. Since CareVoyant has already tested with Sandata, our EVV software for Arizona home care agencies is prepared for Arizona EVV 2.0 compliance testing with AHCCCS.
Differential Adjusted Payment (DAP) Opportunity
AHCCCS has created incentives for Personal Care and Home Health Providers for meeting pre-established performance metrics for auto verified visits between October 1st, 2025, and September 30, 2026.
According to AHCCCS’s DAP Notice, “a visit is considered auto-verified when the required elements of a visit are captured without missing or inaccurate information. If missing or inaccurate information has to be manually added or adjusted to correct the visit data, the visit is not considered an auto-verified visit.”
Arizona EVV Software captures and validates all required elements for auto verification, making it easier for providers to meet pre-established performance metrics for auto verified visits.
Choosing the Right EVV Vendor for Arizona Home Care Providers
To remain compliant with EVV 2.0, home care providers should consider an EVV solution that meets all AHCCCS requirements. When selecting an EVV vendor, Arizona agencies should ask:
Is the EVV software already tested and compliant with AHCCCS?
Does the software integrate scheduling, billing, and authorizations?
Can the system support live-in caregiver data collection?
Does it provide real-time visit validation and reduce claim rejections?
Is the vendor experienced in Arizona's Medicaid EVV system?
CareVoyant answers YES to all these questions. With a history of EVV compliance in Arizona, CareVoyant will continue to provide seamless EVV data integration under Arizona's new open model.
Frequently Asked Questions
Arizona EVV 2.0 is the new Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system introduced by AHCCCS, transitioning the state to an open model. This means all Personal Care and Home Health providers must choose an AHCCCS-compliant EVV vendor by October 1, 2025, ensuring proper EVV data collection and compliance.
Arizona is adopting an open EVV model to provide greater flexibility for home care providers, enhance long-term sustainability, and streamline EVV oversight under AHCCCS's in-house aggregator.
To comply with Arizona EVV 2.0, home care agencies must:
Select an AHCCCS-approved EVV vendor.
Implement EVV data collection before October 1, 2025.
Ensure their EVV vendor completes testing with AHCCCS.
Collect Live-In Caregiver Data and adhere to new compliance requirements.
CareVoyant’s EVV software for Arizona home care agencies meets all AHCCCS requirements. It integrates scheduling, billing, intake, and authorizations, ensuring accurate EVV data submission while reducing claim rejections.
The EVV Alternate Provider Review Tool is an AHCCCS resource to help home care agencies select compliant EVV vendors. It provides key evaluation criteria like multiple device support, visit maintenance, scheduling, and security features. CareVoyant EVV System meets all criteria listed in this tool.
March 31, 2025: Agencies using Sandata must submit Live-In Caregiver Data.
Future Timeline TBD: Agencies using alternate EVV vendors must also comply, with deadlines to be set by AHCCCS.
EVV vendors must comply with technical updates for:
Live-In Caregiver Data collection
Scheduling and visit maintenance compliance
CareVoyant is prepared for these updates and will test with AHCCCS once the new specifications are released.
AHCCCS offers DAP incentives for providers meeting auto-verified visit performance metrics between October 1, 2025 – September 30, 2026. CareVoyant’s EVV system ensures accurate data capture to help agencies maximize DAP payments.
When selecting an EVV solution for Arizona home care, consider:
AHCCCS compliance and testing history
Integration with scheduling, billing, and authorizations
Live-In Caregiver Data support
Real-time visit validation and reduced claim rejections
A vendor experienced in Arizona Medicaid EVV
CareVoyant EVV Software meets all these criteria.
To ensure EVV compliance before October 1, 2025, schedule a demo with CareVoyant today. Our Arizona home care EVV software helps agencies stay ahead of regulatory changes while streamlining operations.
Personal Care and Home Health providers in Arizona should be looking for an EVV software solution that checks all the boxes on AHCCCS’s Alternate Provider Review Tool. Your agency can rest easy—CareVoyant already checks all those boxes. CareVoyant is an integrated Home Care Software that supports all home-based services with on a single platform.
CareVoyant EVV Software is flexible enough to keep up with regulatory shifts on the state and federal level. In Arizona, CareVoyant has a history of providing EVV data, and will continue to provide EVV data to AHCCCS under their EVV 2.0 open model.
Don't wait until the deadline! Contact CareVoyant today to learn how our EVV software for Arizona home care agencies keeps you compliant and efficient.
Schedule a Demo Today to see how CareVoyant simplifies EVV compliance for Arizona home care agencies!
About CareVoyant
CareVoyant is a leading provider of cloud-based integrated enterprise-scale home health care software that can support all home-based services under ONE Software, ONE Patient, and ONE Employee, making it a Single System of Record. We support all home based services, including Home Care, Private Duty Nursing, Private Duty Non-Medical, Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), Home Health, Pediatric Home Care, and Outpatient Therapy at Home.
CareVoyant functions – Intake, Authorization Management, Scheduling, Clinical with Mobile options, eMAR/eTAR, Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), Billing/AR, Secure Messaging, Notification, Reporting, and Dashboards – streamline workflow, meet regulatory requirements, improve quality of care, optimize reimbursement, improve operational efficiency and agency bottom line.
For more information, please visit or call us at 1-888-463-6797.
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