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Right eMAR/eTAR Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies

Right eMAR/eTAR Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies

Many Private Duty Home Care Agencies use Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Home Health Care Software designed for visit-based Home Health Care agencies with static PDF forms to document medication and treatment administration. These solutions pose many challenges to effectively managing medication and treatment administration. Managing and administering these medications and treatments on paper or on software that does not support dynamic eMAR/eTAR will require considerable manual effort leading to errors, missed medications, or treatments endangering patient safety.

Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies

During the recent times, there has been an increasing demand as well as the adoption of electronic medication administration records (eMAR) Software, especially by caregivers providing Private Duty Nursing. By employing a system such as eMAR (electronic Medication Administration Record) can not only ensure that medication errors don’t occur, but also achieve a whole host of other advantages. In this article, we talk about the functionalities and the importance of Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Functionality in CareVoyant Software

CareVoyant CV Mobile is a powerful, simple, easy to use, integrated platform to meet disparate EVV requirements for multiple states. CV Mobile will send verified visits to EVV aggregators to improve compliance and reduce claim denials.

Benefits of using Integrated Electronic Visit Verification for your Home Care Agency

Electronic visit verification was created to reduce fraud and ensure that people receive the documented care they need. EVV was designed to help verify that services billed for home healthcare are for actual visits made. The passing of the Affordable Care Act signed into law in 2010 made provisions for reducing fraud and over-payments, requiring states to stop Medicaid payments to providers when there is credible evidence of fraud.

How to select the right software for Private Duty Nursing Agencies?

Private Duty Nursing Agencies should choose software that addresses their unique clinical documentation, scheduling, and billing requirements. The software should be easy-to-use and enable Nurses to keep up with continuous care documentation during the shift while providing efficiency in communicating changes in real-time to the nurse at the point-of-care. 

Further, the requirements of home care services are many and the software should allow for rendering of other services without needing to switch between multiple software platforms.

CareVoyant, Dial-N-Doc partner to provide CareVoyant Telephony powered by Dial-N-Doc

CareVoyant, the leader in integrated Home Care Software solutions, is pleased to announce a partnership with Dial-N-Doc, a leading provider of telephony solutions, to provide CareVoyant Telephony powered by Dial-N-Doc.

Home Care Agencies: Are you ready for 21st Century Cures Act and EVV?

CareVoyant has two simple and easy-to-use EVV solutions, CV Mobile and CV Telephony to ensure your home care agency is compliant with your state’s EVV requirements. CV Mobile is a powerful mobile app while CV telephony keeps you connected even in remote locations.